The Book Is Coming!!

After many delays, my book will finally be published on August 15… less than a week away!

Why did I write Common Sense Horse Keeping?

It began as a blog in 2005. I was the District Commissioner of my daughter’s pony club, the Horseketeers (what can I say…it is Central Florida!) and I invited our local fire department, our vet, and the director of Animal Services to speak to our pony clubbers about fire prevention, disaster planning, first aid, and even venomous snakes and insects, since one of the firefighters was the snake expert for the county!

Anyone could attend, and it was so popular, that it became an annual event for several years. I took notes, which I sent to several local horse papers for publication. Someone suggested that I blog about what I had written…a relatively new thing at that time, and so initially, Calypso Farm Eventers Blog was born on Blogspot. Since blogs require more than just one or two posts, I blogged about my horses and the issues I encountered, including habronemas, EPSM, allergies, and death. I was a sales rep in the equine industry, so I also blogged about the lines that I represented and the trade shows and events I attended.

Because I was passionate about teaching horse management to the pony clubbers, my blogs began to center on horse care and management. The blog eventually became Common Sense Horse Keeping.

I wrote about horse care and the lack of horse care that I saw in boarding stables. I was discouraged at the lack of knowledge I saw as a boarder, employee, vet tech, pony club volunteer, and founder of an equine rescue. And not only by professionals, but also by the horse owner/boarder, who had no idea how to care for their horses and relied on others who were sometimes just as incompetent. Unfortunately, it was the horse who suffered as a result.

In these times of instant gratification, the horse world has seen a decrease of what many of us refer to as “old-time horsemen.” The horsemen and horsewomen who could bandage a leg, identify poor quality hay, and know what to do in an emergency are not as numerous as they once were. It has become such an issue that the USEF began to incorporate horsemanship into their developing rider clinics, requiring participants to be responsible for the care of their horse.

Sadly, basic horsemanship is not being taught anymore, for a variety of reasons. In the world we live in today with cell phones and social media, kids no longer want to be a “barn brat”, which kids of my youth clamored to be. Parents don’t feel comfortable dropping their child off at a barn first thing in the morning and picking them up ten hours later. And in the world of Safe Sport, many barns are not comfortable with minors being left unattended.

I blogged off and on for several years and people would comment that I should write a book based upon it. Around 2014 I began to do just that, researching and writing when I felt like it.

Last year, in the summer of 2023, with the manuscript about 80% finished, I began searching for a publisher. I found one who was interested, but it turned into a nightmare, as we had different visions for the book and we parted ways in February. I was devastated at the time, but as my husband is fond of saying, “things happen for a reason.” Within weeks, I found a new publisher, who connected me with an award-winning cover designer and formatter, I have the best editor and more control over my book. So yes, things do happen for a reason! I would not have been happy with the outcome had I stayed with the first publisher and now, I am beyond ecstatic about the cover, the format and my team behind me!

So what exactly will Common Sense Horse Keeping be about?

The book is an essential guide for horse owners and stable managers alike, providing comprehensive advice on proper horse care. Tailored for those managing a boarding business as well as individual horse owners, this book covers critical topics such as nutrition, first aid, disaster planning, fire prevention, and pasture management. It also offers insight into choosing the right boarding stable as well as managing horses at home. The book will cover how to interpret hay analyses, explain fecal egg counts, and how to adapt environmentally friendly practices in the barn. There are practical tips from social media that will help stable managers enhance their management skills as well as help horse owners become better boarders. The book explains various boarding options, amenities, services and fee structures. It stresses the importance of the mental well-being of horses.

What else? Toxic plants, vaccination charts, safety, insurance, barn rules and more are covered!

So several things to mention:

First, the book is available to pre-order on Amazon and Barnes and Noble! You can go directly to their website or go to Expert Horse Care Tips | Common Sense Horse Keeping and go to the Shop page for direct links to both sites.

Secondly, I am running a book launch contest on social media. I have some amazing vendors who have donated prizes: Hilton Herbs, Pegasus App, Grey Horse Candles, Epona Grooming Products, Silver Oaks Farm, Pony Macaroni, Fleeceworks, BotoriLife, Dapple Up, DecoPony, Two Donkeys And A Horse and the incredible artist, Lydia Marie Elizabeth. The contest will be up and running this weekend. You must go to my Instagram account and follow the vendors mentioned and you must be subscribed to this email. All of the details will be on FaceBook and Instagram.

And last, my publisher will be holding a virtual launch party! Stay tuned for details!

Thank you to everyone who has supported this endeavor of mine!