- Common Sense Horse Keeping
- Posts
- The Annual Fire Prevention Blog
The Annual Fire Prevention Blog
And Other News, Including Give-Aways!
Greetings from a chilly Florida! It is expected to dip into the low 30’s for the next few nights, no complaints from this mountain girl, but the cold weather is not just isolated to Floridians, and unfortunately, cold weather means barn fires. Not only barn fires, but it is sad to see that there are wildfires happening, from California to Virginia. I have seen post after post of people looking for their horses, who were simply turned loose, having to defend for themselves. Sadly, the odds are against the domesticated horse left to fend for itself.
I cannot stress it enough: EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE A PLAN! You need a plan for disasters of all kinds, as well as for fires. If your stable does not have a plan, you need to insist that they devise a plan (my book, Common Sense Horse Keeping has 2 chapters devoted to this topic!)
Therefore, this week’s blog will be a repeat of my fire prevention blog, as we all need reminders.
Because it is taken directly from my book, Common Sense Horse Keeping, it is a lengthy blog, and when I originally wrote it, I broke it up four parts, with a recap, posting each part weekly. It makes it easier to read this way.
In other news, yesterday, December 12, I was the guest author on the Horse Books For Grown Ups page on FaceBook, for the annual Twelve Days of Christmas Advent Calendar event! I posted 12 different posts throughout the day. Some were about the book, some were about me. The 12th post was a reveal of prizes to be given away. If you are not a member of this group, but want to win prizes, don’t worry! I cross-posted the 12 posts on my Lori Tankel, Author page and if you want to participate, all you need to do is to like and follow my page, read and interact with the posts and you will be entered to win prizes! It’s that easy! You have until Sunday to participate, I will announce the winners Sunday night. Here is a link to the Facebook groups:
I will be set up at the Florida Thoroughbred Transformation Expo on Saturday, Dec. 14 at the Florida Horse Park. If you are there, please stop by and say hello! I will be set up with Horse and Hound Blanket Headquarters.
There is still time to order Common Sense Horse Keeping for the equestrian on you holiday shopping list! It is a great gift for both barn managers and boarders alike!

My next blog will not be out until after Christmas, so Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Happy Holidays and…
Don’t forget to hug your horse!